Review | Such Pretty Things by Lisa Heathfield
After their mother’s accident, 14-year-old Clara and her little brother Stephen are sent to stay with their aunt and uncle in a remote house in the hills. They have no idea how long…
Review | The Loop by Jeremy Robert Johnson
The small town of Turner Falls becomes the center of epidemic violence as teenagers suddenly become aggressive and start attacking others. They are all the children of executives from the local biotech firm…
Review | The Dark Side Of The Room by Tyler Jones
Betsy Lupino lives alone with only her cats and her memories to accompany her. But these memories are slowly taken over by a growing darkness and she fears that the dark will infiltrate…
Book Review | The Occultists by Polly Schattel
Max Grahame lives a miserable life with a sick mother and a domineering stepfather. To escape, he gets a job as an errand boy at the post office. He discovers that the Postmaster…
Review | Tainted Love: Women In Horror Anthology
A collection of fourteen horror stories showcasing the moments where love goes wrong in chilling and twisted ways. When it comes to love, women often find themselves becoming the object of someone’s…
Book Review | Thirteen Storeys by Jonathan Sims
Banyan Court is owned by a reclusive billionaire, Tobias Fell. It’s an exclusive development with luxury apartments at the front and an “affordable” block at the back. A group of strangers from the…