• jay-mistry-baby doll

    Review | Baby Teeth by Zoje Stage

    Hanna is a seven-year-old child whose behaviour has caused problems at school. She is now homeschooled by her mother, Suzette. Hanna adores her father but seems to despise her mother. In her mind,…

  • joshua-earle-night sky

    Book Review | Foe by Iain Reid

    Sometime in the near future, Junior and his wife, Hen, are living a quiet life on a farm. Until the day a stranger drops by with news. There’s a mission, and Junior has…

  • Review

    Review | The Moore House by Tony Tremblay

    Three ex-communicated nuns with empath abilities form a unit investigating paranormal occurrences with the support of their employer, Father McLeod and the Catholic Church. When they travel to investigate the Moore House, they…