Review | The Scent of Death by Simon Beckett (Damp Pebbles Blog Tour)
Forensics expert and police consultant Dr David Hunter is called to the abandoned St Jude’s Hospital to advise on the discovery of a partially mummified corpse. What initially appeared to be a routine…
Book Review | Greener Pastures by Michael Wehunt
This review is part of the Apex Back Catalog Book Tour to celebrate books published by the Apex Book Company. While it’s always exciting to read new books, there are plenty of backlist…
Review | Strange Ink by Gary Kemble
Fresh off a breakup from a long-term relationship, Harry Hendrick finds himself in a new house, alone and heartbroken. When he wakes up the night after his best friend’s stag party with a…
Review | The Grip of It by Jac Jemc
Married couple Julie and James decide to move to a small town away from the city before James’s gambling becomes a full-blown addiction. They view the move as a chance to start fresh,…
Review | In The Scrape by James Newman & Mark Steensland
Jake and his little brother Matthew are living with their abusive father after their mother left. They want nothing more than to follow her footsteps to California, where they envision a happier life.…
Review | The Retreat by Sherri Smith
Katie Manning was a famous child star until her career ended after a terrible attack. Now, her life is a mess of constant drinking and risky behaviour. When her brother’s fiancee invites her…